Welcome to Inherent Robotics

At Inherent Robotics, we specialise in providing cutting-edge hospitality robots to hotels, serviced apartments, and office buildings.

Our robots are designed to alleviate three major pain points affecting the hospitality industry:

  • Competitive Customer Experiences

  • Staff Shortages

  • Low Productivity

What Our Product Can Offer

Increasing Revenue, efficiency and employee satisfaction
Increasing Revenue, efficiency and employee satisfaction
  • Revenue

  • Efficiency

  • Employee Satisfaction

Decrease financial , staff and management costs
Decrease financial , staff and management costs
Improve brand image, customer satisfaction and 24/7 service
Improve brand image, customer satisfaction and 24/7 service
Safe, privacy, hygienic, secure
Safe, privacy, hygienic, secure
  • Financial Cost

  • Staff Cost

  • Management Cost

  • Brand Image

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • 24/7 Service

  • Privacy

  • Security

  • Hygiene

Segway Partnership

Inherent Robotics has partnered with Segway to provide the installation, maintenance and leasing of robots to UK hotels, serviced apartments and offices.

Segway is widely known for its personal mobility products such as the famous two wheeled upright scooter. In 2014, Segway began utilising decades of experience and a global supply chain to developed and sell robots, these robots are now present in multiple industries from healthcare to hospitality.

An image of a reception to show robots can help deliver takeaways, parcels or guide customers
An image of a reception to show robots can help deliver takeaways, parcels or guide customers

Front Office

Deliver Takeaway Food and Parcels or Guide Customers.

An image of a chef cooking to indicate the higher turnaround and increased food and beverage sales
An image of a chef cooking to indicate the higher turnaround and increased food and beverage sales
An image of champagne to show that our robots can provide luxuries and gifts to customers
An image of champagne to show that our robots can provide luxuries and gifts to customers

Use Cases



Higher Turnaround and Increased F&B Sales.

Provide Luxuries or Gifts to Customers

a number of different types of functions of a our robot
a number of different types of functions of a our robot
Key features of our robot's design
Key features of our robot's design
An image of a hotel robot
An image of a hotel robot
An image of our robot at work in a hotel
An image of our robot at work in a hotel
An image of a hotel robot
An image of a hotel robot
Image of Segway D2 at the Beijing Winter Olympics
Image of Segway D2 at the Beijing Winter Olympics